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Our ideology


The Salvadoran people suffer from poverty and, like the people of Israel, want to take care of the future of the next generation. The people of Israel need talented construction workers, lovers of people and lovers of the land, in order to continue to build and develop the land of their ancestors and knows how to pay handsomely for this work to the workers who deserve it. The Salvadoran people live in a difficult economy and need to put more money in the bank, in order to afford to buy houses for their children. Our two nations can help each other.

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The Founders

Eli is a successful businesswoman, specializing in finding opportunities and building winning teams. Raz is an entrepreneur and educator who strives to bring peace to the world through the distribution of knowledge and resources. Together they seek to contribute their part in the effort of humanity to advance to the next stage in its development


Dr. Menashe Rosenfeld

Company consultant. Honorary Consul of El Salvador in Israel. A friend of the Salvadoran people and a passionate supporter of the global economy

Miz. Gladys Hernandez de Reyes

is a meticulous office manager and a friend of the people of Israel

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